Black Church Black History Program
Predominantly black churches date back to the last part of the 1700s.These congregations exist as part of standard denominations but theyusually met separately. Only a few significant denominations existed forblacks prior to the Civil War.for example, grew out of the segregated ST. George Methodist Church inPhiladelphia in 1793. Led the withdrawn group to form themselves as a separateMethodist denomination the same year.
In New York, members withdrew fromthe Johnstown Methodist Church to form the Zion Churchin 1801. In 1821 blacks formed the African Methodist EpiscopalChurch.You should note that all these groups form in the north. MostAmerican blacks reside in the south. In the south, whites usuallyrefused to allow blacks to meet separately.
In some areas blackscouldn't even assemble for worship. In areas where blacks do worshipthey worship with whites. The church at Cane Ridge, for example, build abalcony and blacks climbed a ladder to it from outside.I. The growth of black denominations.Most black denominations began after the Civil War.By 1860, about 11%, or 500,000, of America's 4,400,000 blacks belongedto churches.Methodist churches for blacks multiplied before and during the CivilWar. They continued to grow after the war ended. The African MethodistEpiscopal and the churches organized congregations throughout the southeven while war raged.
The Colored Methodist Churchbegan about 1870. Northern Methodists allowed blacks to form their ownconferences but patronized them. That is, northern whites kept awatchful eye and exercise continual guidance over the black conferences.Southern blacks attended Presbyterian churches prior to the warbecause their owners did. After the Civil War black membership inPresbyterian churches dropped dramatically-from 31,000 to only about1,700. The Cumberland Presbyterians did not allow the formation ofseparate black congregations until after 1874. That year blacks formedthe Colored Cumberland Presbyterian Church.Significantly other Presbyterian bodies see no corresponding blackchurches.
Blacks felt uncomfortable in white churches and left.Most American blacks joined some sort of Baptist church. BlackBaptists, however, worshiped with their white brethren for many yearsbefore forming their own congregations. Virginia blacks established aseparate black Baptist church by 1867.
This group became the NationalBaptist Convention in the U.S.A., Inc. Black conventions beganmultiplying rapidly after that. Americans soon hear of the NationalBaptist Convention, a Progressive National BaptistConvention and the National Primitive BaptistConvention of the U.S.A. It seems Baptists are always Baptists.Baptists often split to start new churches. All black Baptistorganizations contain about 90% of American blacks claimingChristianity.Blacks generally stayed away from Catholicism until after the CivilWar. Black Catholicism has grown steadily since the war. There are nowabout 500,000 black Catholics in the United States.
Of the 176,000 nunsin the United States only 900 of them are black.II. Evaluation of the Black ChurchesBlack churches express themselves emotionally and fervently. Blacktheology tends to be simplistic but is preached hot and straight.Preachers emphasize sin and salvation by grace. Black preachers use adramatic style with tremendous use of a 'sing song' delivery.Black music uses rhythm and movement. Worshipers are responsive, for themost part, and real feed back or interchange occurs between the preacherand the audience. Services in even the most liberal black Baptistchurches have a charismatic flavor.Over the years black churches faced some serious shortcomings.William Warren Sweet, a historian of the 1930s, said there was moreamusement than worship in black churches.

He also noted lax moralconduct existing in black churches of the period. Furthermore, heargued, black churches often became political stepping stones foraspiring black leadership. Some of the best known contemporary blackleaders of all political persuasions thrust themselves into thelimelight after ministries: Jesse Jackson, Adam Clayton Powell andMartin Luther King Jr.
To name three. These three, in particular,represented liberal and social thinking rather than conservative andevangelical.Black churches offered hotbeds of cultism as well. I think some ofthis results from the movement of blacks to urban centers. Like whites,they too found themselves far removed from their rural roots. Ira Reid,writing in 1927, gave an analysis of black cult leaders of his day inhis book, Let us Prey.
In recent history, other black cultleaders have emerged:, who r eferredto himself as 'God incarnate'; Sweet Daddy Grace, who oncesaid he was mightier than God. Grace maintained that if you sinnedagainst God, grace can forgive you; but if you sin against Grace, Godcan't forgive you! Reverend Ike, who graduated from Manhattan ChristianCollege, represents an early form of the 'health and wealth'gospel. Ike maintained God wants his people rich! His lifestyledemonstrated it, too. Another cult leader is, believe it or not, BrotherLeroy Jenkins of Ohio who formed The Church of What's HappeningNow. Comedian Flip Wilson often parodied Jenkins in a skit.
Theepitome of black cultism is the Disciples of Christ preacher, theReverend. Although white, Jones first attracted blacks and whites alikein an Indianapolis ministry. In time his group became almost completelyblack. Jones founded the ill fated Jonestown community in Guyana wheremore than 1,000 followers committed suicide.These cult movements appeal to the frustrations of those living inthe inner cities. Jim Jones appealed to pov ertystricken blacks of the Indianapolis area first.
His socialistic programled them to follow him to San Francisco where he established a'Christian' commune known as ' Note: There are a number of interesting websites regarding this cult such as and the that sponsored by.Many black religious leaders focused on social issues. For many yearsthe led the struggle for black civilrights and social change. Their 'Christian' work focused moreon a political agenda than evangelism and the biblical Gospel. Of coursethe 1950s and 1960s saw much social unrest because of civil rightslegislation and the effort to end segregation. During that period manyblacks concluded the white Christian community was unredeemable. And other black protest leaders abandoned Christianity for Islamthinking it better suited to meeting their social goals.Contemporary sociologists suggest black religion helps developcommunity identity.
They contend that the black feels alienated from the'real world.' While much of this is changing, the typicalblack of the 50s and 60s enjoyed little political clout.
Blacks oftenturned to religion to relieve the frustration they experienced.Observers note the black religious community is tremendously disunited;only their common search for identity holds them together.To their shame, the white conservative evangelical Christiansneglected America's blacks. In fact, conservative Christians largelyignore the inner city. If it weren't for the Salvation Army and a fewother 'mission' efforts, poor city blacks or whites wouldbarely know the Gospel. In the 50s and 60s, radical elements ofdemocratic socialism did work in the cities. Some blacks continue towork through radical organizations. Others adopted Liberation Theology.Over the past few years blacks have emerged from the inner city tomake their mark. Some climbed out on their own merit using theirintelligence, athletic ability and entrepreneurial skills to bettertheir existence.
Some chose the military as a means to guarantee aneducation and/or the opportunity to learn marketable skills. Whileopportunities for blacks continue to widen, some think they aren'tincreasingly rapidly enough.For successful Christian work to begin in the inner city, there mustbe a willingness to understand the black culture and frame of reference.Work in such surroundings must be seen as 'cross cultural'evangelism, for in truth it is. Most whites, even poor whites, cannotunderstand the 'ghetto's' poverty and hopelessness.
Black HistoryMonth - Presentations - Seminars - Juneteenth Events - MLKBirthday - Family Reunions'Black History Month -black history presentation - students - church - military - rubric - school- ideas - kids - civil rights - women - Juneteenth - MLK -Diversity - Ancient Egypt - Tut - Rosetta Stone - pyramids - pharaoh - Africa-culture - hieroglyphics - Nile'OrderRTG FILM!TRUTHCENTRISMTRUTHCENTRISMClick image below to order the DVD.DVD version'This presentation is a movingexperience.' AnEye-Opening Experience That Transcends Race. BACKGROUND:Joel Freeman is originally from Canada.
Joel Freeman co-authored the book,with Don Griffin. This well- documented, reader-friendly book,endorsed by the likes of Bill Cosby, Julius Erving, Ben Carson, JoeFrazier, Tony Campolo and many others, has been enthusiasticallyreceived by many readers around the world. (Theversion is available - view video clip below.)This uniquelypowerful presentation can be customized for any organization,including faith-based organizations. Not so much Afrocentric orEurocentric. Rave reviews. In August 2002over 100 Kings and Queens of Africa attended a Pan AfricanConference in Benin, West Africa.
Freeman participated in thisevent and is currently making a film about the past, present andfuture of African Kingdoms.The top-of-mind question with most is 'What would ever motivate aWhite man from Canada to be interested in Black History?' To review Dr.
Church Black History Program
Freeman's written response. Some of the many organizations who have invitedDr.

Joel Freeman topresent on the topics of Diversity,Black History, and/or Cross-Cultural CommunicationMany SatisfiedClientsThe White House Communications staff (WHCA)Association of International Schools in Africa (AISA),Association for the Study of African American Life & History (ASALH),Federal Executive Board,Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL),Maryland Association of MentalHealth Counselors,Tri Association (South / Central America &Caribbean),European Council of International Schools (ECIS),Montgomery County Community College, Howard CountyCommunity College. FBINIHHHSSSADEACDCNASANOAAUSDAEPAQuanticoUS Army ReservesCentral ClinicUS Dept of JusticeFt. BelvoirEllington FieldCECOMUS ArmyHoward UniversityEastfield CollegeBlacks In GovernmentNational Security AgencyNational Science FoundationNuclear Regulatory CommissionDefense Threat Reduction AgencyBaltimore City Community CollegeMountain States Health AllianceWright Patterson Air Force BaseFrostburg State UniversityDLA Troops SupportAlternative titlesfor this presentation:i. 'One Man's Journey Into BlackHistory'ii. ' A Truthful Journey Into Black History'iii.' The Powerful Stirring of the Black Man'iv. Any other ideas?
It's your call.Another topic ismentioned below: 'Blades of Grass in a Concrete Jungle.' TheDVD version of the 'White Man's Journey.' Presentation contains approximately 3 hours of content,including the Extra Features.Copyright © 2010 - NOW by Joel A. Program Overview Dr.Freeman, a White man from a small town in Alberta, Canada,shares the journey he has taken in co-authoring Return to Glory.In this unique, easy-to-understand presentation, Freemanhighlights significant accomplishments of Africandescendants since the dawn of civilization, exposes racistdistortions and cover-ups of those achievements and offers aprocess for individual healing, hoping and cross-culturalunderstanding. Freeman uses many photographic images fromhis travels to Egypt and to museums around the world. Whilethis presentation is for everyone, it is especially designedto encourage thenon-black community to open their hearts and minds to receivethe truth about the glorious history of people of Africandescent.Dr.
Freeman isthe keynote speaker at many Black History presentations andcross-cultural competence training events around the world. At this Black History Month eventin the Washington, DC region, many participantsstayed afterwards to review documents and artifacts from The Freeman Institute Black Historycollection. Black history was the gateway through which Dr.Freeman developed a passion for cross culturalcommunication.Documents and artifacts from TheFreeman Institute Black History collection have beenexhibited in a number of venues around North America,including the White House Communications, US Department ofJustice, Frostburg State University and also featured at theUnited Nations' month-long exhibition commemorating theInternational Day of Remembrance of the victims of slavery and thetransatlantic slave trade.Dr. Freeman discussing a painting from hiscollection at aUS Department of Justice Black History Month event(click on photo above for more info about painting)Dr. Freemanbeing interviewed on Canadian TV aboutThe Freeman Institute Black Historycollection & the Gallery Project1st part of TV interview - 10:25 min.2nd part of TV interview - 10:09 min.A 123-minute DVD ofthis presentation(Click below to learn more)Click on image above to view an overviewof the DVD. View back cover below.Return To GloryThe Powerful Stirring of the Black Man1. All-Day 'DiversitySeminar' Program -2.
'Diversity Day' Presentation or Keynote Address -3. 'Black History' Presentation -4. Freeman's African American History Collection - 5. Preview Online Diversity Course-Flash Player needed to Preview Courses - 6. Critical Incident Debriefing - 7. Symbols that Address Cultural Awareness-An OpenInvitation to Participate in -Dr.Freeman's Latest Book ProjectComments fromParticipants.
'When you hearthe truth out loud, it really hits home.' '.quite aneye opening experience.' 'It heldspecial meaning for me when I saw the facial features on statuesupheld as royalty.' '.a movingexperience deserving of its name.' 'The knowledgeI received this morning was stirring because he (Freeman) relatedthings that have long been accepted as fact and are supported byirrefutable evidence, yet have been muddled up in history.' 'I wasskeptical when I saw the speaker was white, but as he spoke, theknowledge and documented evidence was so powerful.
His (Freeman's)passion was captivating. All I want to do now is to share thisinformation with as many people as possible.' 'This was thebest Black History presentation I have ever seen.' - (EEOdirector of a government agency)'The word ' truth-centric'hits the nail on the head.' 'Your on-goinginvolvement with the Equity Assurance Staff and the School-BasedEquity Liaisons has contributed to the staff's gaining a greaterunderstanding of self and has enhanced their interaction withstudents, fellow staff members, and the community.
Thank you foryour special talents. Your presentation style, your sincerity, aswell as your professionalism have helped to make our workshopsextremely successful.' Rita Robinson, Director of Prince George'sCounty's Equity Assurance Office, Maryland).For over 20 centuries, people gazed upon Egyptian hieroglyphicswithout comprehending their meaning. The Rosetta Stone was found in1798.
In 1822 Frenchman, Champollion, solved this puzzling language.Cracking the hieroglyphic code opened up a whole new understandingof Egyptian people, places and events. Even as the African SlaveTrade was expanding from Europe to the Americas, ancient Egyptiansecrets were unlocked, causing even greater interest in themagnificent treasures of this land of mystery. But how would theon-going archaeological discoveries define history’s view of theachievements of Black people?
Was there an anthropological cover-up?Behold the faces of Akhenaton, Shabaka, Tut, Queen Tiye and manyother powerful African leaders while Dr. Joel Freeman takesthe participant on a unique, well-researched tour of ancient Egypt.Look into the eyes of the Nubian Pharaoh, Tarharka, who during the25th Egyptian Dynasty used his military might to help Hezekiah, kingof Israel.
Follow the story line as ancient seers, Isaiah and Nahum,claim that the Egyptians and Ethiopians were respected and fearedfrom the beginning and that their powers were limitless. How and whydid the centuries of African dominance begin to diminish?Using recent scientific evidence from DNA mapping and applicationsfrom biblical and historical texts, Freeman also shares somefascinating, easy-to-understand insights regarding the Jewish /Black connection.Dr. Freeman passionately presents this potentially explosive subjectin a most reasonable, logical manner, using some powerful images andword pictures.
This is one compelling, consciousness-raisingpresentation you just may be talking about for years to come!One of Return To Glory's (RTG) goals is to promote respect,understanding and cooperation between people of different cultures,races and ethnic groups. While the new DVD presentation, ' A WhiteMan's Journey Into Black History' is for everyone, this RTGresource is especially designed to encourage the non-black communityto open their hearts and minds to receive the truth about theglorious history of people of African descent. Canadian-grown JoelFreeman (co-author of Return To Glory) presents a 'truth-centric'overview of ancient African history with a number of contemporaryapplications - 3 hours of total content.AboutThe Presenter: Accomplished author of five bestsellers in 28languages.
Internationally sought-after speaker and trainer.Professional counselor. Success coach to executives. Organizational culture change specialist. Off-key singer.Multiculturally astute.
Award-winning film-maker. Motivational consultant toprofessional athletes. A student of history. Passionate aboutdynamic, fun-filled excellence.Listed in Marquis Who’s Who in the World,has served for 19 years as mentor/chaplain for the NBA WashingtonWizards (’79-’98).
As president of The Freeman Instituteconsulting firm, Freeman facilitates many programs for leaders ofother nations, government agencies, music and entertainmentindustries, faith-based organizations and corporations throughoutthe world. Joel, Shirley and family of four reside in Maryland. Joeland co-author, Don Griffin are available for speaking engagements.Own a Full Size, 3-DReplica of the Rosetta StoneThe Freeman InstituteBlack History CollectionThis ever-expanding Collection has items such as:1. Authentic, priceless slave ball, with handle (50 lb.) -#3 written on it, for 'trouble-makers', manufactured late1600s - used on the London-based slave ship, HenriettaMarie, the oldest identifiable slave ship wreck in the world(summer, 1700); featured in National Geographic's (August,2002). By one estimate Henrietta Marie’scargo grossed well over £3,000 (more than $400,000 today)for the ship’s investors. Most of the captives were headedfor sugar plantations where they’d be worked to exhaustion,many dying within five to ten years.
Sturdy and fast, The HenriettaMarie traveled the infamous triangular trade route favoredby the slavers - from England to the Guinea coast, to theAmericas, then home again. Accounts relating to theHenrietta Marie’s voyages were uncovered, as were thenames of her investors, captains, and wills of some of hercrew members. Artifacts found at the site provedparticularly helpful in creating a picture of shipboard lifeand the practices of the slave trade.2. Two Wedgwood jasperware black on white Anti-Slaverymedallions, with the bound slave on the front, and the words'Am I Not A Man and A Brother?'
Around it.Also, a rare 1800s antique bronze figure of man (6' high,weighs 18 oz.) pictured in medallion.3. One-of-a-kind signed letters/albums/contracts/sheet music from Nat King Cole, DizzyGillespie, DukeEllington, Lionel Hampton, Louis Armstrong, B. King, Ethel Waters, PearlBailey, Miles Davis, Fats Domino, Quincy Jones, Earl Hines, Ella Fitzgerald, Sammy Davis, Jr.,Grover Washington, Jr., Count Basie,Mills Brothers, Ozzie Davis,Lena Horne, Four Tops, Cicely Tyson, James Brown, CharliePride, Bo Diddley, Bobby Blue and others.4.
A rare 1838 (third edition) copy of Phillis Wheatley's book,' Memoir and Poems of Phillis Wheatley, A Native Africanand a Slave' - Includes memoir, GeorgeWashington's letter to Wheatley, preface by John Wheatley,plus poems by another slave, George Moses Horton, withintroduction and letters. And also the 1773 edition of theGentleman's Magazine - first published mention of PhillisWheatley's book, first printed in the UK, paid for by theCountess of Huntingdon.5. Silver Civil War locket (1860s), containing two tin-type picturesof African American women, worn by an African Americansoldier.6. The Rosetta Stone, a First Edition 55-pagearticle in Archaeologia: MiscellaneousTracts Relating to Antiquity, Volume XVI, published by TheSociety of Antiquaries of London. Some of the firstpublished articles about the Rosetta Stone. This is historicin light of the fact that the code to Hieroglyphics wasn'tcracked until 1822 by Jean Champollion.7. Riggs Bank check written and signed on July 3, 1907 byJudson W.
Lyons, ex-slave from Georgia and firstAfrican-American lawyer to practice in the state of Georgia.He was appointed Register of the US Treasury from 1898-1906and as such, his signature appeared on US currency issuedduring those years.8. 1820s 'T Porter' slavebutton (from Antigua, British West Indies), used to identifythe slave owners.9. To viewmore items and images.Dr. Freeman's Collection is owned by The Freeman Institute- The ultimate plan is to open African American history galleries in major Americancities and selected cities internationally. Our goal is to educate andinspire young people with the ' C.P.A.
C apturing Hearts and Minds through theinspiration received from and knowledge contained inReturn To Glory resources. A combined strategic focuson this step, will allow RTG to be even more deliberate inachieving its goal of changing the distorted image of Blackpeople by starting from their ancient beginnings instead ofthe traditional starting points of slavery, colonization orapartheid.2. P roving the Point with actual documents andartifacts. Verification of the history will beestablished through collections and exhibitions of genuine historicaldocuments and artifacts from the respective nation in which RTG has apresence. PHASE 1: We are currently in the process ofimplementing Phase 1, utilizing the African American History Collection(on this web page).
More comprehensive Phases will be implemented once additional finances aresecured.3. A ffecting Changeby establishingpartnerships with national and community-based serviceorganizations whose purpose is to impact behavior and alterlife outcomes. The Return To Glory Foundation will provideresources to help these organizations as they assist their constituents inachieving their truepotential, regardless of race, gender or generation. (cell: 410-991-9718)Oncertain occasions, Freeman will bring some pieces of hisCollection when invitedto speak on the intriguing topic, ' AWhite Man's Journey Into Black History'. Ask howthis can be included in the program.100%Satisfaction Guaranteed.
The United Nations ' TransatlanticSlave Trade' Exhibit20 documents & artifacts from The Freeman Institute BlackHistory Collection showcased.(March - May, 2011)Dr. Freeman:Iwant you to know how pleased we were with yourpresentation, Diversity: The Value of MutualRespect, which was presented at ourMulticultural Training Observance in Dallas, Texason May 22, 2002.Employees(over 300) who participated in both sessions of yourpresentation were nearly unanimous in theirassessment of its relevance and value. Your approachto viewing diversity as a multi-layer phenomenon wasunique. And your ability to relate to amulti-racial, multi-cultural and multi-generationalaudience, and keep the participants attentivethroughout your presentation was a major contributorto your success.
A major benefit of yourpresentation is it offered to those in attendance aunique framework for assessing their basic beliefsabout living and working in a multicultural society,and provided us a point of departure for additionaldiscussions about the benefits of mutual respect inthe workplace and the larger community.Iam happy we were able to bring you to Dallas as apart of our Multicultural Training effort. Yourpresentation was the 'meat and potatoes'of what we regarded as a very successful training.Sincerely,EmersonLattimoreEmersonLattimoreCivil Rights and Equal Opportunity Manager410-991-9718 (cell)Black History Post Cards. M O R ER E S O U R C E S:For more informationplease visit an overview ofNativeAmerican Indians Latinos /Chicanos / HispanicsAsians and Asian Americans AfricanAmericansEuropean Americans Multiracial andInter-racialCopyright© 2010 - NOW by Joel A. Freeman, Ph.D.All rights reserved.Note: Reproduction of any kind, including copying andpasting, is strictly prohibited unless given writtenpermission.' Confessions of a Budding Truthcentrist'An even-handed definition and critique of bothAfrocentrism & Eurocentrism'DealingWith People Who Drive You Crazy!'
Black History Program For Church Youth
®Box 305, Gambrills, Maryland 21054TEL 410-729-4011 FAX410-729-0353EMAIL'Black History Month -black history presentation - students - church - military - rubric - MLK -school - ideas - kids - civil rights - women - Juneteenth - Martin LutherKing -Diversity - Ancient Egypt - Tut - Rosetta Stone - pyramids - pharaoh - Africa-culture - hieroglyphics - Nile'.